July? I blinked and it was July. Or I somehow blocked out June. I don’t know of another Spring that has passed so quickly. Perhaps it was the late start, perhaps it was the cold temperatures and long to-do lists, or perhaps a farmer is always blessed with a very short term memory…
Nevertheless, here we are, July, and the beginning of the bounty. July brings heat and long days, which is what we need to get some good growth on the farm. We start to see the “fruits” of our labor start to make their appearance in the fields. Harvest days get longer, and our bins get heavier and more numerous, our shoulders get browner, and our backs stronger. July is a midpoint for us on the farm, but it still doesn’t quite allow us to catch our breaths. There is still a to-do list that grows each day, but it starts to feel less daunting. We are ready for it, seasoned, proofed. Now is when the farm really starts to blossom, reach, and fill out. It intensifies, but also settles in. We start to reach homeostasis, the work we put into the farm is now rewarded in beauty and delectable food. It’s the balance we hope is coming when May and June feel overwhelming. The time is here, and it only gets better…
With that being said, we have so much to catch up on with you.
First, I need to thank our team of strong and dedicated women that keep this space going each day. I started the farm almost five seasons ago with one other staff member, and have grown each year since. This year, I have six amazing ladies I am honored to spend my days with. They all bring creativity, strength, humor, and passion to the farm, and without them I’d be very lost. So, thank you to my returning staff, Dominique, Alex and Mady Rae. And a warm welcome to Gracelyn, Mary, and Carter. You ladies are phenomenal.
Additionally, I wanted to update everyone on a little (well not so little) addition to our farm this year. We have taken on another bit of space just down the road in Hoytsville. Our dear farm friend Andrea Morgan, of Ranui Gardens is taking some time off this year, and to keep her land in production, we are taking on some of her field space. We are excited to be growing things we haven’t had room for at our current property. Things like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and celery are growing strongly at this new farm space. We will add more lettuces, beets and flowers over there as well. It's an exciting addition, and we are very grateful for the opportunity.
Next, our Farm Dinner series is off and running, and amazingly well at that. We have been so honored with our new chef, Jason Franey, and his team, and the magic they have created with our food. The Preserves Dinner and the Roots and Greens Dinner were exquisite and so successful, and have set the tone for the rest of the season. Up next, July 11th, we welcome local celebrity chef and all star, Viet Pham of Pretty Bird. He will team up with Jason to create a collaborative and creative meal centered around one of our favorite farm goods, Garlic. It’s always been a hit, and sells out. So, get your tickets now! Find them here.
This dinner will be followed up by our Women in Food and Farming event, July 26th. I will write more on this event in a follow up post, as it deserves a longer explanation. But information can be found here or on our website.
Finally, Friday Farm Stand is picking up and filling out. Our produce selection is expanding each week and our breads, jams, and eggs are always good companions to the diverse array of veggies available. Farm Stand occurs every Friday from 4 pm - 6 pm at the farm. We encourage everyone to stop out to the farm, and take a peek at what we are doing, walk around the farm, take our self-guided tour. It’s a great way to spend a Friday afternoon. Also, we are also at the Oakley Farmer’s Market every other Saturday, including this coming Saturday, the 8th starting at 9 am at the Rodeo grounds.
As I close out, I’m sure I will blink again and it will be August. But for now, I will revel in finding that balance a bit. Maybe even stop to pick some peas, and smell some of the new flowers gracing our beds.